Building Restoration Project
In December of 2023 we experienced severe water damage at the church, as a result, large portions of the building are in the process of reconstruction. We’re currently seeking donations in support of the restoration and renovation.
Please find a letter from our Treasurer, and donation information, below!
April 1, 2024
Brothers and Sisters, Christ is in our midst!
The Parish Council would like to provide an update on the unplanned reconstruction project necessitated by December’s water leak.
Church Mutual, our insurance provider, has paid for the initial damage mitigation and provided some funding for restoration. That said, Church Mutual’s commitment is simply to “make us whole” again, which means replacing like-for-like (or comparable). The Council, however, believes this is an opportune time, both financially and logistically, to pursue certain pragmatic upgrades beyond a strict like-for-like restoration. Proposed renovations include:
- HVAC revisions to improve comfort in the nave and parish hall, greatly facilitated by having floors and ceilings already opened up.
- LVP laminate (faux wood) flooring throughout the upstairs and downstairs, contributing to both form and function (e.g., durability, waterproofing).
- New carpeting and lighting for the stairwell.
- Replacement of fluorescent lighting downstairs.
- New ceiling tile to help mitigate noise.
- Higher grade toilet fixtures to improve efficiency, and new bathroom vanities.
- A new kitchen cabinet configuration and more durable (stainless steel) countertops.
- Electrical work to add outlets and re-route mounted conduits.
- Improved lighting in the upper parking lot.
Current estimates indicate these improvements exceed Church Mutual’s obligation by approximately $150,000.
Therefore, I ask you today on behalf of the Parish Council to prayerfully consider a gift to a new reconstruction capital campaign. All money raised will be spent on the overall reconstruction, not specific items (“flooring”, “lighting”, etc.).
For this special fundraising effort, it would be preferable to make donations by check, either to our PO Box or tithe box upstairs, as check donations avoid processing fees associated with on-line donations. Your check memo, or tithe envelope, should denote “Church Repairs”. The Church mailing address is: St. Paul Orthodox Church, PO Box 437, Lynnwood, WA 98046. We do recognize that on-line donations are the most viable means to donate for some, so additionally we have set up a special designation for the capital campaign on our online giving portal.
Having our home damaged and torn apart has been a stress and challenge to our community, but also an opportunity to act out our commitment to one another. Let us extend that consideration to future parishioners by building upon the sacrificial efforts of “the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this Holy Church” and restore our precious Church temple to an even more beautiful state!
Glory to God for all things!
Thomas W. Millett Treasurer
Please support our efforts in the restoration of our beautiful church!
Donations can be placed in the Tithes & Offerings box in the narthex of the church or mailed to:
St. Paul Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 437, Lynnwood, WA 98046