
For more information please email, call, or visit during any of service times - you’re always welcome here!


Physical address:

21236 Poplar Way
Brier, WA 98036
(425) 771-1916

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 437
Lynnwood, WA 98046

Regular Service Schedule

Sunday, 8:15am - Orthros / 9:30am - Divine Liturgy / 12:30pm - Inquirer/Catechism Class

Monday, No services/events

Tuesday, 6am - Paraklesis to the Theotokos

Wednesday, 6:30pm - Vespers

Thursday, 6:30pm - Vespers

Friday, 6:30am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 6:30pm - Great Vespers

Consult with calendar for most detail information!